What is SEO / Search Engine Optimization ?

What is SEO / Search Engine Optimization ?

What is SEO ?

SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimization'
The Visibility of a webpage or the posts depends on the SEO done by website developer or SEO experts.

All major search engines GOOGLE, Yahoo, Bing have primary search results, where web pages and other contents such as videos or images or other listings are shown and ranked based on what the Search Engine considers most relevant to users.

Importance of SEO for ranking a website ?

Search Engine Optimization is very much important for any website to rank.
Any website which is optimized for Search engine, are indexed by the search engine and can be shown in the results for a particular 'keyword' and enjoy the organic traffic as well.

Suppose, You are a student and want to study in a good engineering college. So as usual you'll first talk to your elders and relatives and take their valuable suggestions.

If nothing works then you'll most probably go to google and search 'best engineering colleges'.
After searching for the keyword you wll get plenty of webpages serially According to the preference of Google(or any other search engine) algorithm.

Sometimes You will encounter with some ads which is called the paid results.

What is Paid Search And Organic Search ?

When one searches any thing in any search engine there are two type of results
  1. Paid results - Besides SEO one gives money for one's web page to be seen in search results.
  2. Organic results - Pure SEO, it is free and determined by the algorithm only. 
 What is SEO / Search Engine Optimization ?

Factors That Influence SEO

Here are a few of the factors that are known to influence SEO. This is not a comprehensive list, as search engine algorithms are complex and have many unknown variables.
  • Internal Linking 
  • External Linking
  • Page Title
  • Page Speed
  • Keyword Optimization/Keyword Research
  • Title Tags 
  • Alt Tags
  • Meta Tags/Meta Descriptions 
  • Site Readability

Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO are of three types:
  • White Hat SEO - The SEO technique  that obeys the above mentioned factors and Strictly maintaining the Search Engine Algorithm. It gives long-term results.
  • Black Hat SEO - This is a short terms SEO technique that exploits the Search Engine Algorithm for ranking.
  • Grey Hat SEO - Grey hat technique is the combination of both White hat SEO and Black hat SEO. It is also gives short term results.

Categories of SEO 

SEO can be categorized in three types :
  1. Technical SEO
  2. ON-Page SEO
  3. OFF-Page SEO

1. Technical SEO

Installing SSL certificates, Making the web page Mobile Responsive, Increasing the loading speed of the web-page, canonicalization, Submitting XML Sitemap, using 301 redirect etc fall under technical side of SEO.


2. ON-Page SEO

On-page SEO includes many thing related to the article itself . Let us see some factors regarding this 
  • Making the URL SEO friendly
  • Using Keywords properly
  • Use media (images, audio, video etc) 
  • Internal and External Linking should be done
  • Always optimize images in  you article
  • Make the content useful for the reader and unique


3. OFF-Page SEO

Off-page SEO contains mainly back-links. It means any website that refers your website by putting your URL in his web page is called back-link. Back-links are of two types - No follow back-link and do follow back-link. 

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